Back Acne
‘Out of sight, out of mind’ – until the summer. The back can be treated like Cinderella until the advent of summer breaks focuses patient concern! However acne in this area is frequently more aggressive and painful so how can it be controlled?
Lifestyle modification. Always shower immediately after exercising and be sure to wash work-out clothes after every session. Rinse hair conditioners meticulously from the back as the silicones they contain are comedogenic and can aggravate the situation.
We can recommend a customised skin regimen containing key ingredients in sufficient quantities to control sebum production and unblock pores. We stock Alumier MD and ZO Skin Health at Eye and Face allowing us to provide you with a targeted approach.
For best results a course of back peels can clear out existing comedones and help reduce further eruptions. Our bespoke Back Treatment allows us to deliver potent salicylic acid and AHAs, coupled with a refining clay mask and a brightening mask for beach-ready skin.