Anti-wrinkle injections: your questions answered
How does the treatment work? Anti-wrinkle injections are injected into a muscle using ultra fine needles. The medicine blocks the nerve impulses needed for muscles to contract. As repetitive muscle use causes expression lines, the injections soften wrinkles. Who can benefit? Anti-wrinkle injections have a multitude of uses both cosmetic and medical. They can smooth […]
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Preparing for your Wedding Day – the ultimate guide to bridal beauty
Beautiful skin for all in your wedding party requires dedicated expertise, a tailor-made regime, supportive aftercare and a consistent approach from you at home. Here is our comprehensive guide to achieving the perfect wedding glow! 12 months before: Start with a skin analysis by an aesthetic specialist. At Eye and Face this encompasses digital assessment, […]
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Lets talk Chemical Peels – your questions answered
The iconic image of Sex and the City’s Samantha with a lobster red face and a glass of champagne has become cemented in popular culture. However it misrepresents what is involved with a skin peel. Many of my patients are curious about the process so here I answer the most commonly asked questions. Are peels […]
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Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma
I see a high proportion of patients with Pseudoexfoliation (PXF) syndrome in my glaucoma clinic. This is due to Waterford’s proud history as a Viking city as the condition has its highest prevalence in Viking populations. What is it and why is it so important? What is pseudoexfoliation? It is a flaky material which deposits in […]
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the ABC of nutrition and skin
Let’s get back to basics – there is no point in smearing expensive creams on your face if the fundamentals aren’t in place. That means no smoking, adequate sun protection and yes a skin friendly diet. I could write for hours about the gut microbiome, glycemic index and quote innumerable scientific papers but the easiest […]
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The Importance of Makeup Hygiene
We all aspire to an immaculately curated makeup bag but reality for most is a scruffy mess filled with half used mistakes (emerald eyeshadow for work?), pencil stubs and semi fossilised sponges. Unsurprisingly make-up hygiene (or lack thereof) is a huge factor in the appearance of skin. So here’s a quick primer. Wash your hands […]
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